Store Configuration

Chopin works out of box without any further configuration. However, for those who'd like to add custom rules and business automations, we've made it easy to add customization and localization to work with businesses from all over the world.

How to create a Chopin store →

After the store is created. Go to Chopin App on Telescope to add customization and configuration for your store. You can update this information anytime (except store name and waitress APIs) and the updates will be reflected in real-time.

  • Click (save sign) to save your updates. Click (trash can sign) to delete the store completely.
  • Click (plus sign) to add new information and click (minus sign) to delete the information.

Store Info

General store information shown to anyone visiting your store and on social media sharings.

Store Name

The store name used when creating the store . This cannot be modified.

Logo url

Give your store a logo. This image will also be the favicon of your store.

Store Description

Let your customers know what your store is about: brand story, shipping/return policy, or any information you’d like to include. Styling with markdown is supported.

Up to 1000 characters. You can share more details in the Pages section .

Default font color is white. You can change it to black in the Layout section .


News to share with your customers.


Store Background Image url

Add a background image.

Store Background Color

Or you can select a solid color from swatch or enter a hex code .

Page Header Height

You can adjust height of your background image. Default is 100% and it will take up the entire screen.

Light Page Theme

Check this box to make the font color of store description from white to black.

Category Bar Layout

Choose your preferred category bar layout:

  • hide: won’t show categories at all.
  • enlarge: default design with text under category image.
  • small: condensed design with text on image.

Category image is the first image of the first product within that category.

Out of Stock Message

Text shown when the product has max_qty = 0.

In catalog google sheet, when input “0” in the max_qty field the indicated product will show “Coming Soon!” on your chopin store.

You can customize this text. For example, it can be “Coming Soon”, “Back in October” etc.



Create pages within your store to share your story or frequently asked questions. Shoppers can find the page(s) by clicking (three bars) button on the left.

  • Page Title: Title will be shown on the left menu and the store URL.
  • Page Content: Anything you’d like to add to the page. You can style texts (bold, italicize, hyperlink, etc.), add images, or create lists/tables with Markdown .

See example in Demo Store .

Order Settings

Checkout Order Settings Docs →

Contact Information

Checkout Contact Information Docs →

Payment Methods

Checkout Payment Methods Docs →

Shipping, Discount and Tax

Checkout Shipping, Discount and Tax Docs →

Waitress API

These are auto-generated when the store was created.

By default we use apio’s own Waitress API as catalog and order APIs. We welcome you to bring your own API, Drop us a message → .