
This page contains commonly seen issues and questions from Chopin users.

Not getting answers for your questions? Drop us a message β†’

Catalog Google Sheet

  • There should be no empty lines between rows.
  • name of each product can not be empty nor can be characters other than numbers or alphabets. No spaces either. Product names must be unique.

No products shown

  • All products must have price and name otherwise they won’t be shown.
  • Do not remove the existing catalog headers copied from tutorial.

Images are not shown

Check if your image urls are direct links by pasting them to the browser.

Order Google Sheet

New orders are not aligned with previous orders

  • Check if your order_number is on A1 cell.
  • Make sure your title row (first column) is not hidden.

Get notification when someone places an order?

You can set up Google Sheets notification rule to get realtime updates on new order submission.

  1. On the top of your Order Google Sheet, click Tools > Notification Rules.
  2. Select Any changes are made under Notify me when…
  3. Choose “when” you want to receive notifications under Notify me with…
    • Email - daily digest - Send a daily summary of all changes.
    • Email - right away - Send an email for every change.
  4. Click Save.

Can I add/move/hide columns on the order google sheet?

Absolutely! Add a column to save notes or move the column so certain information can be displayed next to each other. As long as you keep the title row, Chopin will be able to populate data to matching fields.

Can I delete data from order google sheet?

We don’t recommend deleting data (actual transactions, retiring products, etc), as they’re valuable for future analysis. Instead, hide the rows you don’t need (Select row(s) > Right Click > Click Hide row) .

Can I manually type in orders?

We don’t recommend to. Rather than manually typing in orders, we suggest you place another order from your Chopin store. So you can make sure to have a unique order number data for every order.

How to sort my orders?

Each order consists of several lines of data in order google sheets. Sometimes when many orders come in simultaneously, the data won’t be recorded in the right order. You can reorganize the orders by sorting order_number and user_name accordingly.

  1. Highlight the entire sheet or click ctrl + a.
  2. If your sheet includes a header row, freeze the first row.
  3. Click Data > Sort range.
  4. Click Data has header row.
  5. Select order_number to be sorted first, then click Add another sort column.
  6. Select user_name to be sorted.
  7. Click Sort.

Create Chopin Store on Telescope

Follow the steps on Chopin Flow . You must create two google sheets, share editor access with Waitress account, and authorize.

Cannot find your store

  • Check if the current login account in Telescope is the same as the account used to create Chopin store.
  • Click the gear button βš™οΈ to view Telescope user settings . The current login account is shown on the top. If it’s different from the account used to create Chopin store, simply sign out and sign in again with the matching account.

Unable to authorize google sheet

Pop-up blocker might disable the google sheet authorization login. Disable the plug-in or enable pop-up for telescope, and try Chopin Flow again.


How can I create image url?

Uploading your images to an image hosting service and you can get image url from there. We recommend imgur .

After uploading an image, you should use direct link that points to the actual image.

⚠️ Images pulled directly from social media or Google Drive will not display properly.

Why the images are not shown properly?

Make sure the image url points to the actual image rather than an entire index, webpage, or website. You can put the url in browser to test it out. If you can see the image and only the image, then that’s a working url.

⚠️ Do not pull images from Google Drive. Google can ban your account anytime if it’s accessed too frequently.

⚠️ Do not use image from Facebook, Instagram or personal content on social media platforms. These platforms check browser cookies and the image will only work for you and stop working after a while.

How to find image url from other websites?

On the page, right-click the image > Select Copy Image Address.

Why do images load slowly?

Large images will slow down the Chopin store render time. Use services like TinyPNG to reduce the file size.

Confirmation Emails

Why my customers doesn’t receive order confirmaion emails?

Check if you complete the followings:

  • Grant us permission via Post-It with the Gmail account you attempt to send emails from
  • Select Send Order Confirmation Email under Order Settings section in Chopin
  • The email you put in the Contact Information section is the same as the one you authorize in Post-It

You can also try remove Gmail access and add it again in Post-It .

Can I customize the order confirmaion content?

We support custom subject line and custom messaging based on payment method. Full customization coming soon!


Difference between Stripe and PayPal Business?

Stripe and PayPal Business both accept credit card payments and support realtime transaction verification with Chopin.

With Stripe, customers can enter their credit card information directly on the Chopin store. On the other hand, PayPal requires customers to sign in or enter credit card information in a different pop-up window, this can sometimes result in more abandoned orders.

Difference between PayPal.Me and PayPal Business?

PayPal.Me works for both personal and business accounts. However, it’s still a manual payment method that requires customers to click the link, sign in to their accounts, then pay.

PayPal Business integration guides your customers to enter the payment information and validate the transaction in realtime. If they fail to submit payment, the order won’t be recorded on the order google sheet.

How to set up PayPal.Me?

  1. Register a PayPal account.
  2. Go to PayPal.Me website and click Create Your PayPal.Me Link.
  3. Choose your unique url. It looks like this: PayPal.Me/YourBrand.
  4. You can also customize your profile in the PayPal.Me settings , including profile photo, cover photo, and personal message.

I don’t see the payment method I need

Chopin supports credit card payment via Stripe and a wide list of offline payment methods . We are always looking to support as many payment methods as we possibly could. Fill out this request (GitHub account required) or reach out to us to suggest a new payment method!


Why am I seeing ads on my store?

On our free tier, we use ads income to offset the hosting cost. We also offer basic tier at USD$10 per month to remove ads (along with other perks).

How to get shortened url for my Chopin Store?

Upgrade to Basic Plan to get an apio branded url (<store_name>) for as low as $10/month. Feel free to contact us if you want to reroute your Chopin to your domain, if you already have one.

You can also use shortened url services like Bitly or reurl to create shortened Chopin Store url.

What is Markdown?

Markdown is a lightweight markup language for creating formatted text using a plain-text editor. In other words, you can use text to style text.

We support Markdown to style text in various sections, including store description in Chopin and product description in catalog google sheet.

A quick video guide on editing product description with Markdown β†’

Some helpful guides:

How to retrieve LINE url?

Personal Account

  1. Open your LINE app, click (Add friends symbol) on Home tab.
  2. Click Invite and select Invite friend by text message.
  3. Randomly select a friend and click Invite (Don’t worry! Line will not send text automatically).
  4. You will be brought to your texting app and have a draft message with your LINE URL. It will look like this:

Chat Group

  1. Click in your LINE group chat and select Invite.
  2. Click Invite Link and you will see the option to Copy invite link. It will look like this: